Big Money: Who is in Control?


In a world where wealth and power have become increasingly concentrated, a small group of elite financial cabals pull the strings behind the scenes, pursuing their own self-serving agendas at the expense of the greater public good. When the Sentinel Institute, a maverick think tank, begins unraveling the complex web of corruption underlying major global events, they quickly find themselves in the crosshairs of these shadowy vested interests.

Led by the brilliant but kidnapped Sarah Schillerman, the New Sentinels must go underground and embark on a perilous quest to expose the alarming reach of the wealthy cartels. From derailing crucial infrastructure projects to manufacturing international crises, no tactic is off-limits for the cabals seeking to tighten their grip on power and influence. With hired mercenaries and corporate assassins closing in, the Sentinels take their fight public through a daring nationwide tour.

As they gather explosive evidence of money laundering, political manipulation, and downright treason, the stakes continue rising dramatically. Even the fate of the nation's leadership falls into the New Sentinels' lap during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Can this ragtag group of truth-seekers stand up to the Goliath force of organized capitalism? Or will the sinister machinations of the wealthy elite prevail, burying the truth and ensuring their stranglehold over the world's populace? The battle lines are drawn for an epic showdown over the control of money and power itself.

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Library Thing

Leatherneck: Molding Recruit Maggots into U.S. Marines in the 1950s


The U.S. Marine Corps is very proud of its history, tradition, and heritage.

Every Marine is taught to be proud from the beginning of boot camp and this pride continues until they reach the gates of heaven. In Marine Corps recruit training, recruits are transformed into the world's most elite fighting force through 13 weeks of rigorous training. Recruits will acquire the knowledge, discipline, teamwork, and fitness level required of a Marine through physical training, classroom instruction, and combat skills.

The author recounts how, in the 1950s, judges would give gang members a choice: join the Marines or go to jail. The impact of boot camp on the few gang members in our platoon demonstrated that those judges understood the transformative power of military discipline. In fact, the Marine Drill Instructors likely did more to turn gang members into productive citizens than a roomful of social workers ever could.

Of all the military services, Marines hold a special place in the public conscience. This is reflected in the fact that when our nation is faced with a challenge or threat, the public response usually is “Send in the Marines,” or when they are sent in, the usual response is, “The Marines have landed, and the situation is well in hand.” In commenting on the Marines, President Reagan said, “Some people wonder all their lives if they have made a difference in the world. Marines don’t have that problem.” May it always remain so.

In the addendum of this book, the author presents an extensive analysis of the all-volunteer Military Force, its beginning, its performance, its major problems, and its overall serious negative effects on the nation’s society, culture, core values, and its questionable capability to deter and/or destroy our potential enemies today. Semper Fi.

About the Author

Darrell Ahrens is a former US Marine, Air Force fighter pilot and operations staff officer, high school teacher, and pastor. He holds degrees from Chapman University, Boston University, and Fuller Theological Seminary. His previously published titles include The Abundant Life: Practical Theology for Abundant Living, Ungodly, Unamerican, and Unhinged: The New Radicalized Democratic Party, Turn and Burn: A Fighter Pilot’s Memories and Confessions, and Divine Love / Divine Intolerance.

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